Doña Ana County Summer Student Internship Program

High School Intern Pprogram 2023


We have reached capacity for our 2024 program and will no longer be accepting applications. Thank you for your interest!


If you have questions about the program, please contact so that our Internship Program team can assist.


  • A. How do I participate in the Summer Internship?
  • B. Who is eligible to participate in the Summer Internship?
  • C. What is Onboarding?
  • D. What are I-9 supporting documents and which ones do I bring to Orientation?
  • E. What is Orientation and what do I need to bring to Orientation?
  • F. When do I start work?
  • G. Where will I be placed?
  • H. Placements with additional requirements – and what you need to know
  • I. How many hours can I work?
  • J. Are there any jobs I may not be able to work?
  • K. What if I don’t like my placement?
  • L. Who to contact if . . .
More FAQs


  • The County will hire internship coordinators to facilitate the program and support the student interns and their internship supervisor and organization.
  • The application for Coordinators has now closed. Thank you for your interest!

Business Partners

  • The application for Business Partners is open -- Please Click Here to apply.
  • For questions or additional details, contact Debbie Moore at 575-524-1969 or
  • The County will pay the salary and cover the liability and worker’s compensation insurance for the intern.
  • The opportunity to develop the next generation of employees and team members through career exploration and professional mentorship.
  • The ability to spark interest in your profession and build relationships with Doña Ana County students.
  • Provide a student with an engaging, fun, and life-impacting experience.